中華民國寧瑪巴白玉祥丘達吉林佛學會∼白玉佛學會高雄中心   http://www.palyul-center.org.tw
主題:【 南卓林寺記事(二) 】


News and Events of Namdroling Monastery (II)

薩嘎達瓦節(Saga Dhawa) (Chokhor Düchen: 25 June, 2009)


The anniversary of the First Turning of the Wheel of the Buddha was observed by the circumambulation of the monastery with the holy texts of Kagyur and Tengyur by the Shedra monks.

The Four Noble Truth are:

  • Truth of Suffering
  • Truth of the Cause of Suffering
  • Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
  • Truth of the Path that Leads to Cessation of Suffering

These Four Noble Truths were first revealed by Shakyamuni Buddha at Deer Park in Sarnath near Varanasi, Northern India, near Nepal. The audience was composed of shravakas or disciples of the Buddha.

西元2009年六月七日(藏曆2136年,土牛年四月十五日)藏曆四月是藏族寺院中宗教活動最頻繁的月份,有釋迦牟尼佛出生、證悟及涅槃三個重要節日,於藏曆四月十五日稱作「三重節」,藏語稱「薩嘎達瓦(Saga Dhawa)」。在這個殊勝的日子,所有的善行將會增長百千萬倍,我們可以積聚以下諸善行:


1.      不吃肉

2.      放生

3.      不妄語

4.      不偷盜

5.      不抽煙喝酒等


1.      不生氣,修持安忍

2.      不嫉炉,修持隨喜

3.      不憎恨,修持慈悲。正如佛陀所開示:「憎恨無法止息憎恨,只有慈悲才可以。」


1.      參加當地中心的共修

2.      持誦釋迦牟尼佛之心咒:Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha

3.      修持上師所傳之教法



「大成就法會(Great Accomplishment Ceremony)

南卓林寺之「大成就法會(Great Accomplishment Ceremony)

Every year, from the 9th to the 15th day of the 4th Tibetan month, Namdroling Monastery conducts the Kama Drubchö, or the Great Accomplishment Ceremony that Confers the Supreme and Common Siddhis of the Kama Teachings. This year’s Kama Drubchö ceremonies coincided with the Western calendar dates of 1 to 7 June, 2009. During these seven days, ceremonial practices are conducted around-the-clock at the monastery.

Procession on 6 June, 2009 for Kama Drupchod Conclusion

Ritual practices prior to Kama Drubchö began on 27 May with the Tsa Cham, or the “Root” lama dances discovered by Lochen Dharma Shri in the 16th century. Other preparatory practices include “opening the countenance” of seven distinctive Mandalas. These Mandalas, which embody a total of thirteen Kama Teachings, are: the Mandala of the Sutra Practice of the Great Gathering, the Peaceful Magical Net, the Wrathful Magical Net, the Union of Buddhas, the Yangdag Heruka, Rongzom’s Version of Vajrakilaya, and the Six-faced Yamantaka.

In strict accordance with tradition, after receiving Khelchog, the arrangement of the Mandalas began on 30 May, were completed on the 31st, and the main ceremony began precisely on 1 June. The Mandala of the Sutra Practice of the Great Gathering was established in the Golden Temple, which is Namdroling’s main temple, while the other mandalas were established in other temples at the monastery.

On the morning of 2 June, the mammoth painting of Lord Buddha, Thoung-Drol (Liberation Upon Seeing), was hoisted over the High School-level dormitory. The Garcham (lama dance) was performed on the 5th, and on 6 June the Rolcham (dance with cymbals) and Throcham (wrathful dance) were performed. On the last day, 7 June, the fire ritual was performed in the morning. At this time, thousands of local people gathered at the monastery to offer substances that held particularly special significance to them. In the afternoon, the empowerment for the Great Accomplishment practice was granted to all the devotees. By evening, dedication of inestimable merits and aspiration prayers were performed, together with offerings of bountiful butter lamps. The ceremonies concluded with prayers for auspicious circumstances, the tossing of flowers, and songs of sacred hymns accompanied by the sounding of ritual instruments.


藏曆每年的四月九日至十五日,南卓林寺都會舉行「大成就法會(Great Accomplishment CeremonyKama Drubchö)」。寧瑪巴白玉的教法分成兩大部分,即「教傳(Kama)」及「伏藏(Terma)」,伏藏的教法主要是「大寶伏藏」,而教傳主要是經續,「大成就法會」是南卓林寺三大法會之一,法會期間全寺可有多達15座壇城,全天24小時都有僧眾唸誦經續。今年(西元2009)的法會是在西曆六月日到七日舉行。

法會期間會有各項金剛舞,寂靜尊(Garcham) 及忿怒尊(Throcham)皆有,在法會的最後一天(67),法會的儀式從早上開始,有數千位的信眾來到南卓林寺,他們獻上具有特殊意義的供品,在下午,舉行大成就法會之加持灌頂,大家也供上鮮花、酥油燈等等。


雅久寧瑪佛學院之課程  (Classes for the Year at Ngagyur Nyingma University)


Ngagyur Nyingma University (the Namdroling Shedra, a Buddhist College formally known as Ngagyur Nyingma Institute) started on the 17th of February 1987, inaugurated by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. In 2009, the University graduated 53 new Lopons and enrolled 116 new students. That means that currenty the Shedra is attended by 1012 students.

貝諾法王於1978年成立之「雅久寧瑪佛學院(Ngagyur Nyingma University )」,在2009年有53位結業,並有116位新生,所以今年雅久寧瑪佛學院共有1012位學生。在南卓林寺,要成為一位堪布(Khempo)一定要從雅久寧瑪佛學院畢業,佛學院共有九個年級,加上小學八個年級,所以南卓林寺的學僧共有十七個年級。


全知米滂仁波切紀念法會 (97th Anniversary of Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche)


Every year since 1981, the Ngagyur Nyingma University (Shedra) has taken responsibility for organizing a prayer ceremony based upon Jampal Gyu Lug, the traditional Manjushri Tantra practice, in commemoration of the great Nyingma master Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche. This year marks the 97th anniversary, which occurs on the 29th day of the Fourth Tibetan Month, since the passing of Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912). A feature of the ceremonies includes dharma discourses presented by senior students followed by their juniors, as a means to display and explicate various aspects of the Buddha’s teachings, and Nyingma doctrine in particular. Onlookers are invited to enjoy these presentations during the early morning tea break.

The evening ceremonies begin with a recitation of the “Names of Manjushri,” Manjusrinamasamgiti, and as the sangha chants the words “the banner of Dharma will be hoisted perfectly” from the Chekyi Gyaltsen Legpar Tsug prayer, the presentation of dharma discourses continues. These are followed by the ceremonial “Standing for Debate at the holy gathering,” Tsoglang, in which two monks formally debate before the assembly of esteemed religious leaders, scholars, and onlookers. The day of observance concludes with Ts’ig-Zang, a chanting of “Noble Words” that includes the “Four Noble Truths” of the Buddha, and Zangchod, a prayer of dedication.


1981年起,雅久寧瑪佛學院就負責全知米滂仁波切(Mipham Rinpoche1846-1912)的紀念法會。米滂仁波切是寧瑪巴的大成就者,是文殊菩薩的化身,今年(2009)是第97個紀念日,於藏曆四月二十九日舉行。(全知米滂仁波切之介紹請見網頁之「文章選粹」)


