
祖古穆松於兩歲時陞座,四歲時在頂果欽哲法王前接受大寶藏灌頂;從多竹欽法王前接受口傳,五歲起學習讀寫藏文及寺院唸經儀軌等課程圓滿,之後漸次從貝諾法王前接受寧瑪教言全灌頂及天法前行氣脈大圓滿之講解導引、惹那林巴法及所有天法,大寶藏灌頂等圓滿殊勝而實現前世之解脫傳記,年輕時進入南卓林寺之屬佛學院(雅久寧瑪佛學院)學習聲、音等共通明處,以及不共內明佛學院等聞思圓滿。 |
Ku Mugsang chen was born to Penpa Dorjee (father) and Sonam Yangzom (mother) in 1974, on the tenth day of the fourth Tibetan Month with miraculous signs. At the age of two, His Holiness Dujom Rinpoche and his Holiness Drubwang Penor Rinpoche recognized him as the unmistakable reincarnation of Chogtrul Kunzang Sherab. From the age of three, Penor Rinpoche looked after him with great compassion and care. When he reached the age of four, he recieved the Rinchen Terzod Empowerment cycle from His Holiness Drodrub Rinpoche. Beginning from age five, he learned to read and write in Tibetan and began training in the distinct rituals of the Palyul tradition. Subsequently, he received the Kama Empowerments, instructions on Ngondro, Tsa Lung and Dzogchen directly from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. Thus he has upheld and continued the supreme activities of his predecessor. He studied common sciences such as grammar, poerty , logic as well as the uncommon science of Buddhist philosophy at Ngyagyur Nyingma Institute at Namdroling in South India.
Mugsang Monastery, Mugsang Thubten Sangngag Choling, is located in a sacred place in Tibet southwest of Kathok Monastery. "Mug" means sluggish and "Sang" means clear. Thus "Mugsang" means to clear oneself from sluggishness. The monastery is built at the location that Terton Migyur Dorje spent his final days, passing into the empty sphere of truth while sitting in meditative equipoise. |